
Building Interdisciplinary Research Collaborations

Clarifying the relationship between
infections and chronic disease

Bridging research silos, clinicians, and industry to accelerate innovation. Designing and managing research collaborations, publishing, and educating.

Our board of globally recognized experts advises on our interdisciplinary collaborations, educational events, projects, and partnerships.

NEW in Alzheimer’s and Dementia, The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association: The Alzheimer’s Pathobiome Initiative Research Roadmap.

Asthma Funding Announcement


Individualizing Treatment for Asthma in Primary Care

A four-arm study with 3,200 people. SMART therapy versus Azithromycin therapy versus SMART plus Azithromycin versus control. Funded by PCORI.

The Alzheimer’s Pathobiome Initiative is a global interdisciplinary collaboration to clarify the role of microbes in Alzheimer’s Disease, other dementias, and beyond.

Latest Articles

New Op-Ed:
“Evidence Shows Germs May Cause Alzheimer’s- It’s Time for Researchers and Doctors to Act on It”

Nikki Schultek:
How COVID-19 Can Break Barriers Facing the Alzheimer’s Germ Theory